Mahoyo Delay Log
So time and time again, TYPE-MOON has been pushing back the release date of their next big title Mahoutsukai no Yoru. For some reason, the release date seems to be getting more and more vague with each delay as well. Below is a brief summary of major Mahoyo-related announcements:

2008-04-04 "New game announcement on 4/21"
After years of inactivity (and milking the Fate franchise), official site is updated with news of a new game by TYPE-MOON! Fans everywhere rejoice.

2008-04-04 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru to be released in early fall 2009"
The announcement on 4/21 officially unveiled Mahou Tsukao no Yoru, along with an early 2009 release date, which was later changed to 2009, and later fall of 2009.

2009-08-19 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru delayed to 2010 in order to further improve the game"

The official reason for the delay was something along the lines of "The delay was in part due to being over-optimistic about recreating a 13-year-old work, and in part because we can't suppress to our desire to pursue new stories." There was also words of the entire company working hard together to get the game done.
Unfortunately, according to sources online, the real reason behind Mahoyo's delay seemed to be because Nasu has been playing too much Demon's Souls (a PS3 game). apparently there was a Q and A with the TYPE-MOON people on a BBS, and well...
So what games have you been playing?
Takayama (Amagami): Sekaiju no Meikyuu 2.
So T-M's Koyoma responds immediately that he got stuck right before clearing the prequel. Nasu, likely with a smirk on his face, reveals that he cleared all 25 floors in both games.
What games have you been been playing lately?
Nasu: Demon's Soul! Highly recommended, I'm addicted.
Koyoma: It's pretty fun, Nasu even made three characters.
Nasu: Mahoyo's development actually got delayed because I've been playing this game too much, so sorry, but it's just so much fun.

2010-06-18 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru to be released on 9/30/2010"

A new release date according to leaked screenshot of Tech Gian August issue, and later official announcement from TYPE-MOON Ace. This also happens to be the release date for Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works.
2010-09-01 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru delayed to winter 2010"

Due to "due to various reasons." TYPE-MOON was even nice enough to put up a special announcement regarding the delay:
2011-03-07 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru release date pushed back to summer TBA 2011"

Rumors were flying around that the release date of TYPE-MOON's Mahoutsukai no Yoru had been pushed back to 6/24/2011. Since the news, Sofmap has changed the release date to TBA. Some pointed out that TYPE-MOON is not technically incorrect changing Mahoyo's release date to winter 2010, since in the Southern Hemisphere, June is actually winter.
In conclusion, TM is running on Southern Hemisphere time.
What's interesting is that in an interview, Nasu mentioned that since the story in Mahoyo takes place in the fall/winter season, he wanted the game to be released in the winter as well, so there is actually a possibility for the game to be delayed all the way till fall/winter even when it's completed. Many are hoping the delays would lead to teh addition of character voice and 18X content.
2011-03-12 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru stilled being worked on"
What's even more interesting, after the earthquake in early 2001, Nasu posted in his diary:
2011/3/12 : 一日あけて(きのこ)
Things finally settled down a day after the earthquake. Luckily, no one at TYPE-MOON got hurt.
We, who are "dead" no matter what excuse we come up with for the delay of Mahoyo,
give our best wishes to those in northeastern Japan who got caught in the earthquake.
Even though we region was not affect as much, we're trying our best to conserve energy.
Well, at least no one got hurt, and they still remember about game.
2011-11-04 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru demo to be released on 12/15"

It has become pretty obvious that the game won't be releaed in 2011, but a demo has been promised, to be released with TYPE-MOON Ace 7.
2011-11-30 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru to be released in mid-2012"
According to a listing on Animate, the first edition of Mahoyo would be released in mid-2012.
2011-12-13 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru to be released on 4/12/2012"

A leaked scan of TYPE-MOON Ace Vol.7 reveals the new release date.
The release date was confirmed during the release of TYPE-MOON Ace Vol.7 and an announcement on the TYPE-MOON website:
シナリオ担当の奈須きのこです。「魔法使いの夜」ようやくお届けできる日がやってきま した。
According to Nasu: "Unless all TYPE-MOON staff sprain their back, or someone throws a bomb into our office, the game should be released on time."
2012-04-12 "Mahoutsukai no Yoru released!"